Publikasi S3 Manajemen Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2020 | Teacher’s Professionalism of Those Receiving Professional Allowance: Empirical and Critical Review | Professionally-certified teachers are considered those who are qualified to work professionally and therefore, they deserve to get profession allowance. This study aims to discover a picture of the performance of teachers who have been received professional allowances. The study was conducted using descriptive-quantitative methods with survey techniques. The sample in this study was 207 state high school teachers in East Java Province. Professionalism was measured based on professional task aspects, teachers’ self-development, scientific publications, and innovative works. Based on the data analysis, it is known that the implementation of the professional task is in low category (index of 44, 01), as well self-development (index of 44, 52), and scientific publications are in very low category (index of 29, 16). From the total sample, there are only 44% of teachers making innovative works. On average, teachers have received profession allowance for 8, 6 years. Teachers taking master’s degree as their professional self-development are 32, 9%. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that the professional allowance does not significantly correlate to the professional performance of teachers. However, teachers who conduct self-development in the form of advanced studies have better professional performance than teachers who do not study further. |
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020 | |
2020 | Improving Teacher Pedagogy In the Creation of IT-Based Learning Media | Effective learning using information technology is one of the opportunities that can be utilized by teachers to improve the effectiveness of learning. This study aims to describe the implementation of IT-based learning media creation training to improve teacher pedagogical skills as measured from the practical aspects and effectiveness of the Model used, namely the Critical Event Model (CEM). The subjects of this study were the teachers of SD Santo Yosef Surabaya. This research is an implementation research with quantitative approach. The data collection method used in this research is in the form of questionnaires to assess aspects of practicality and media assessment to assess aspects of effectiveness. The results showed that the training that had been evaluated through media assessment by the trainer and questionnaire scores by participants, both had a high percentage. Based on the results of the research shows that the implementation of training on creating IT-based learning media has been effective and practical |
Jurnal Al-Murabbi 6 (1), 48-57, 2020 | |
2020 | Leadership Strategies of Elementary School Principals in Developing Teacher Professionalism | Principal leadership plays a vital role in school effectiveness through its direct effect on teachers. This study aimed to explore the leadership strategies performed by school principals to develop teacher professionalism at elementary schools. The theoretical underpinnings of interpretivism guided this study. It employed in-depth semi-structured interviews and document analysis to collect data. The interviews were conducted with nine elementary school principals in Klaten district, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory data analysis method, specifically the use of constant comparison through open coding. The'open-coded'data were then analyzed using the analytic induction technique. The results show that the principals employ a wide range of leadership strategies to develop teacher professionalism. The strategies include providing exemplary behavior and attitude, fostering work discipline, motivating teachers, providing educational supervision, and encouraging teachers to participate in continuing professional development programs. |
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi, Manajemen dan …, 2020 | |
2020 | Pentingnya fasilitas belajar berbasis teknologi informasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa | Jurnal Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 8 (04), 558-569, 2020 | ||
2020 | Belajar dari Covid-19: Perspektif Sosiologi, Budaya, Hukum, Kebijakan dan Pendidikan | Pandemi Covid-19 saat ini telah melahirkan new normal (tatanan baru) yang mengharuskan seluruh masyarakat, termasuk orang tua beradaptasi dalam mendidik anak. Anak yang telah menempuh pendidikan mulai sekolah menengah sampai perguruan tinggi merupakan kelompok remaja yang memiliki berbagai dinamika, sebagai akibat dari perkembangan psikologisnya sehingga mencari berbagai bentuk norma dalam diri maupun masyarakat. Kehadiran negara menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk meredam kecemasan warga negaranya dalam hal pemahaman tentang status pendemi virus corona (Covid-19), melalui peran membuat kebijakan, edukasi, pencegahan dan penanganannya. Peran negara secara edukatif mejadi langkah awal sebagai sumber informasi dan pengetahuan yang sahih agar warga negara secara mindset tidak terpasung oleh berita hoaks. Selanjutnya langkah pencegahan dan penanganan menjadi kebijakan yang dikuatkan dengan membuat regulasi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan aktualisasinya dalam hal pelayanan publik yang akuntabel. Penulisan buku ini dilakukan secara berkolaborasi yang ditulis selama dua minggu sejak 20 Juni sampai 5 Juli 2020. Sebagai perwujudan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, beberapa dosen dari berbagai institusi melakukan kajian-kajian terhadap permasalahan khusus pada bidang Sosiologi, Budaya, Hukum, Kebijakan dan Pendidikan untuk menghasilkan solusi demi kemaslahatan Bersama. Buku ini membahas: 1. Menakar Diri Di Era New Normal 2. Manifestasi Modal Sosial dalam Membangun Imunitas Sosial Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 3. Peran Orang Tua Dalam … |
Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | |
2020 | Utilizing A New Technology of English Discoveries Platform in Implementation of Blended Learning to Improve English Speaking Performance | This research focused on the implementation of blended learning through the platform of English Discoveries to analyze the relationship between blended learning to take an effort to improve self-regulated learning and learning outcomes in speaking skill. This research used a qualitative approach. The subjects were 20 students of the second semester in speaking class at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The result showed that the implementation of blended learning model can improve self-regulated learning and learning outcomes in speaking skill. Therefore the blended model can be implemented successfully. |
Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa …, 2020 | |
2020 | Developing Management Model of School Health Services to Encourage Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Junior High School | The complexity of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the government’s scheme regarding the return of students to school in new normal conditions demands school readiness to implement health protocols. The School Health Unit has an important role in educating school members in the habit of clean and healthy living, thus an effective management system is needed in its management. Therefore, this study aims to develop a school health unit management model as a guide that has aspects of feasibility for junior secondary school education unit managers. This research employed Borg and Gall development model. The results of validation by experts in the field of Educational Management and Model Design experts state that this model is feasible. Therefore, it can be concluded that the school health unit management model is appropriate as a guide in implementing the healthy and clean life habit in junior high schools. |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 423-428, 2020 | |
2020 | The practicality and effectiveness of direct learning model by using life-based learning approach | This study aims to produce a direct learning model with a life-based learning approach that is feasible, practical, and effective to improve the learning outcomes of students at Morris Sidoarjo. This research method uses the Dick and Carey development model with the one-group pretest-posttest design research design. The data collection process was carried out using observation, questionnaires, and giving tests to students. The research instruments obtained were student activity questionnaires, student response questionnaires, learning observation sheets, and student learning outcomes tests. The sample of this research is 20 students at the Morris Sidoarjo course. The research indicated that the direct learning model with a life-based learning approach was practical in its use to improve course participants' learning outcomes at Morris Sidoarjo in the Yogyakarta, which was shown by the excellent category of learning and activity of students. Second, the direct learning model with a life-based learning approach is effective in improving the learning outcomes of course participants at Morris Sidoarjo in the Yogyakarta, which is shown by the results of the calculation of the N-Gain test showing an increase in learning outcomes with a value of 0.8 in the high category. From these results, the model built with a life-based learning approach can be implied as an alternative and reference for developing learning models in course institutions. |
Studies in Learning and Teaching 1 (3), 165-174, 2020 | |
2020 | Education Quality Improvement Through Usaid Prioritas Development (Multi-Case Study in State Elementary School Babatan I And State Elementary School Wiyung Surabaya | This study uses qualitative research, with the type of multi-case study research. The main data source in this study was obtained by snowball sampling. Data collection techniques in this study used three techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The locations used as research sites were State Elementary School Babatan I and State Elementary School Wiyung, which are partnering with USAID Prioritas. State Elementary School Babatan I before partnering with USAID was accredited B, but after partnering with USAID accredited A in 2016. State Elementary School Wiyung was able to maintain its accreditation after partnering with USAID. The conclusion of this study states that improving the quality of education in State Elementary School Babatan I and State Elementary School Wiyung has been reached. This can be seen from the acceleration of changes in both physical development, and human resources, especially teachers and students both in quantity and quality. |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 2 (2), 169-173, 2020 | |
2020 | Efektivitas Konseling Kelompok SFBC dengan Teknik Exception dan Miracle Question untuk Meningkatkan Self Control pada Siswa Pelaku Tawuran di SMK Nasional Cirebon | Tujuan penelitian ini (1) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan teknik exception dalam meningkatkan self control pada siswa pelaku tawuran di SMK Nasional Cirebon.(2) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan teknik miracle question dalam meningkatkan self control pada siswa pelaku tawuran di SMK Nasional Cirebon.(3) Untuk menganalisis tingkat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan menggabungkan teknik exception dan teknik miracle question dalam meningkatkan self control pada siswa pelaku tawuran di SMK Nasional Cirebon. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode true eksperimental dengan desain pretes-post control group. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial dengan uji beda rata-rata. Hasil penelitian ini (1) Terdapat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan teknik exception terhadap peningkatkan self-control pada kelompok A pada hasil uji hipotesis dengan analisis paired sample test.(2) Terdapat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan teknik miracle question terhadap peningkatan self-control pada kelompok B, pada hasil uji hipotesis dengan analisis uji Wilcoxon.(3) Terdapat keefektifan konseling kelompok SFBC dengan gabungan teknik exception dan teknik miracle question terhadap peningkatan self-control pada kelompok C pada hasil uji hipotesis dengan analisis paired sample test. Kata kunci: konseling kelompok, sfbc, exception, miracle question, self control |
G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling 4 (2), 2020 |