Kajian mengenai: (1) teori pembelajaran yang meliputi: introduction to the study of learning; neuroscience of learning; behaviorism, social cognitive theory, information processing theory; constructivism; cognitive learning processes; motivation; self-regulation dan development; (2) pengembangan kurikulum yang meliputi: technical scientific approach (modernist perspective); non-technical non scientific approach (post-modernist, post-constructivist perspevtive); enacting curriculum development; dan participans in curriculum development. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan dengan sistem ceramah, presentasi, diskusi, penugasan, studi kasus di lapangan dan refleksi.
- Schunk, Dale H.2012.Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective.Sixth Edition. Boston:Pearson.
- Ornstein, Allan, C., Hunkins, Francis P,.2018. Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues.Sevent Edition.England: Pearson.
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